Innovative Solutions for Modern Agriculture
Municipiul Chișinău
str. Chișinăului 1, Goian 2089
Program de lucru
Luni - Vineri / 9.00 - 19.00
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Soluții inovative pentru agricultură modernă
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About Dilexis SRL

We are the first company in Moldova to provide complete services for the establishment of vineyards and orchards.

8 years



international partners




projects and customers

The begining

Founded in 2016 through the experience gained in Italy and from its own orchards, Dilexis, a new player on the market, offers support and protection systems for super-intensive orchards, modernizing Moldovan agriculture step by step.

Since 2018, we start installing traditional vineyard systems and intensive systems such as Pergola/Tendone and Gable. With the help of our partners, in the same year we are commercializing and setting up a vineyard covered with Italian anti-rain film in the village of Ialoveni, Costești, first in Moldova.

Over the years we have evolved, promoting new machinery, accessories, systems and technologies that will make people's work easier and farming more efficient.

Our partners


Today, the Dilexis team is a leader in the field of vineyard and orchard establishment in the Republic of Moldova.
Today, the company has agricultural machinery such as excavators, mechanised planting machines, New Holland and Fendt tractors with power ranging from 130 hp to 500 hp, agricultural platforms and other soil preparation equipment, with which we provide high quality services.
Tindem să devenim lider în furnizarea noilor tehnologii și a aplicațiilor Europene în agricultura Moldovei prin investiții constante în dezvoltarea noilor soluții și perfecționarea celor existente.
Thus, we are proud to be the first and only company in the country to set up turnkey vineyards and orchards, selling the necessary accessories for this complex process. 

With the help of our 20 partners in Europe, we offer a complete range of products, accessories and agricultural machinery for vineyards and orchards, aimed at mechanising and modernising agriculture. 

Dilexis is the first company in Moldova to to plant mechanized both vines and fruit trees, the first company to commercialise and install the new "anti-rain net" - a revolution in rain-sensitive crop protection.

We have a specialised harvesting equipment department with a wide range from sacks, buckets, crates, containers to automatic bin carriers and container transport platforms.
Scopul nostru este de a reduce costurile de înființare a plantațiilor viti-pomicole și creșterea productivității lor prin cele mai noi tehnologii.
Our company has a responsibility to provide the highest quality service at the highest level and to consult farmers to achieve the highest productivity in their plantations.
Valorile companiei Dilexis includ încrederea în calitate și inovație, responsabilitatea față de mediul înconjurător și față de comunitate, respectul pentru natură și pentru munca fermierilor și angajamentul față de clienți și angajați.

Do you want a professional technical consultation?

Plantation design - Deforestation - Soil preparation - Macanized planting - Supply of accessories - Installation of support systems - Installation of protection systems 
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